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USPTO extends deadline for comments on patent subject matter eligibility guidance update

USPTOは、特許対象となる発明の適格性に関するガイダンスを更新し、特に人工知能(AI)に関連する発明に焦点を当てました。この更新は2024年7月17日に発効し、35 U.S.C. § 101に基づく審査基準を満たすために、AIなどの新興技術に関連する特許クレームを評価するための明確な指針を提供します。ガイダンスには、AI関連の発明の適格性を判断するための具体例が含まれ、特許法に関する重要な連邦巡回控訴裁判所の判決にも言及されています。


The USPTO recently updated its Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance, particularly addressing innovations related to artificial intelligence (AI). This update, effective July 17, 2024, aims to provide clarity on evaluating patent claims involving emerging technologies like AI, ensuring they meet the standards under 35 U.S.C. § 101.

The guidance highlights how to determine the eligibility of AI-related inventions and references key Federal Circuit rulings that have influenced this area of patent law.

This update also aligns with Executive Order 14110, which emphasizes the need for secure and responsible AI development. It includes detailed examples to guide examiners and stakeholders in applying the eligibility rules consistently. The USPTO is particularly interested in receiving public feedback on this new guidance to further refine the eligibility criteria, which is essential for fostering innovation in critical tech areas like AI. The deadline for public comments, initially set for September 16, 2024, has been extended​(USPTO)


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